Blog about the the economic disaster, its history, and how to prepare for the future.

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sold FAZ and new strategy for beating the system

I sold FAZ today at 4.45. I'm also going to utilize a new strategy to beat the system.

I'm going to trade the manipulated stock market and use the proceeds to buy more bullion/mining shares. That way you can take advantage of the moves when the banks manipulate the price of precious metals down by buying more.

YTD I have a 61.4% realized gain.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Market continues to move higher... but I remain true to my position

The recent market run-up should be or near a short term top. If this was two years ago, I would've sold out of my position because of margin calls. However, I'm a much smarter investor than before and learned not to put more chips down that I had to borrow. The banks also use this "margin" game to lower the price of precious metals and forcing people to sell. After all... margin and excessive greed is how the banks collapsed right?

However, I have covered my BGU position and bought FAZ, since I believe the financials are very bloated right now. I also noticed something very interesting on Friday. The market rallied without JPM (JP Morgan Chase) and GS (Goldman Sachs) joining in. These two financials are the market leaders right now. For them to show a little bit of weakness when the market is rallying may be telling us something...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Found a hilarious website today... Making ur economy betters

If any of you are I Can Has A Cheezburger fans?, I'm sure you'll enjoy the site I'm going to post below.

LOLFed: making ur economy betters

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Shorting BGU @ 27.13

I reshorted BGU at 27.13. The market cannot keep going higher like this. Wall Street is rallying right now on false hopes and expectations.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Covered BGU @ $25.83 and bought some silver over the weekend

I placed an order for more silver over the weekend since APMEX had a fire sale. Many of their stock went quickly; the Silvertowne 5oz bars and Walking Liberty Rounds sold out.

I'm glad that the banks are keeping the price so low. We are at a historic low when you compare to how much silver you can buy with one week's worth of wages. See the YouTube video below for more information.

I also covered BGU for a respectable 3.33% gain. From the day I sold SVM and PAAS, SVM has declined 9.8% and PAAS has declined 12.5%. I will consider shorting FAS tomorrow and rebuying SVM and PAAS at a reduced price.

Friday, April 17, 2009

99 cents over spot for silver at APMEX

APMEX has a 99 cent sale for some silver products this weekend. Take advantage of the steep drop in price and pull the physical silver from the market!


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Why you don't want to be buying this recent run-up. Comparison between the "mini bull market" now and 1929 to 1930

Something fishy with Goldman Sachs earnings

Retail sales decline 1.1% unexpectedly in March

Unexpectedly? It was no surprise to me. The government always hides the true numbers. If the government manipulated numbers are surprising Wall Street to the downside, you can only imagine what the real numbers are.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Shakedown or Breakdown?

There is way too much optimism now on Wall Street. The crisis has only begun.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

JP Morgan Chase. Healthy? Not at all!

Today I just bought a put option on JPM (JP Morgan Chase) for September at a $20 strike price. Everyone is pumping up this bank because of "their superior management" and their ability to weather the financial storm better than the other banks.

In reality, JP Morgan holds trillions of dollars in derivatives. According to the OCC’s Quarterly Report on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities for the Fourth Quarter 2008, JP Morgan held $87,362,672,000,000 in derivatives at the end of 2008. That's for the mathematically challenged. It's astonishing that they can have so much exposure with just $1,746,242,000,000 in assets. That's 50 times their assets! They are the biggest holder of derivatives out of all the commercial banks.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Precious Metals not so "Precious" anymore? I think not

So the G-20 has met and everything seems all fine and dandy right? All we need is a $1 trillion dollar bailout for the world and a global regulator. As a result of the G-20's meeting, gold and silver have dropped like a rock. On Friday, I sold all my silver mining companies and shorted the market via shorting the 3x leveraged ETF "BGU" that tracks the Russell 1000 as the recent run up to 8000 from 6500 is just ridiculous. I must be lucky because the silver miners that I held prior to today have also fallen sharply. However, I will use the profits from my short position to add to my physical bullion collection and buy back my silver miners at a reduced price.

This is your opportunity to accumulate more! We should be thankful that the price has dropped. It allows more of the common people to get out of the paper ponzi that are fiat currencies.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Life at Ontario Tent City

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