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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AIG Bailout? Think Again. Also comments about Federal Reserve and Peter Schiff Video

If you think that the recent $30 billion bailout loaned to AIG was for keeping it afloat, think again. Eliot Spitzer explains in the article linked below that the real scandal is about AIG's counterparties.

It's not the bonuses. It's that AIG's counterparties are getting paid back in full.

The recent media about AIG's rather miniscule "bonus payments" of $165 million pales in comparison to the $30,000 million that remains unaccounted for. Where did THAT money go? Perhaps the recent bailout was a rather "sneaky" way to bailout the entire financial system instead.

The Federal Reserve decided today that it would buy securities totalling over $1 trillion in value. Putting this action in simple terms, it is PRINTING MONEY. Silver was trading as much as 5% down before the Federal Reserve's decision at 2:15 P.M. EST and traded higher when the markets closed at 4:00 P.M. EST This decision immediately proved disastrous for the US dollar, which saw a 3.5% drop today.

Even though the stock market increased nominally today, most investors don't realize that in real terms their net worth has decreased in real terms because of the collapse of the dollar.

The depreciation of the dollar will take many investors unnoticed, and this is only the beginning of an inflationary spiral.

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