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Friday, December 5, 2008

Job Market

It's very painful for the job market now. Just today, a report by the Bureau of Labor says that employers have slashed HALF A MILLION jobs in November. This is a very bad time for everyone, especially new job seekers like me who are struggling to find employment.

It's funny how Citigroup had a career fair at my college to recruit bankers and financial advisors. This was before the mess when their bailout happened. I didn't attend but that room that they had their presentation in was full with job seekers and emotional students. I've talked to many of my classmates, and none of them were contacted by Citigroup again.

We live in very scary times. Right now I'm looking at employment in the defense industry as that seems to be the only industry which our government subsidizes to the extreme.

According to http://www.nationalpriorities.org/costofwar_home, the United States has spent over $577,000,000,000 in the Iraq War.

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