Blog about the the economic disaster, its history, and how to prepare for the future.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Federal Reserve may soon replace the SEC

Bloomberg: U.S. May Strip SEC of Powers in Regulatory Overhaul

If this does happen, then it will be disastrous. What the government is essentially allowing to happen is shifting its regulatory powers into private hands. We all know how damaging the Federal Reserve is to our lives, and to allow them to regulate our markets will give even more power to their hands.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009

2009 Economic Recovery Update by VisionVictory

The government isn't telling us the truth...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan: Ultimate Manipulators of the Stock Market

I recently came across a blog at http://www.goldmansachs666.com/

The blog has some very interesting evidence of Goldman Sachs manipulating the stock market and deceiving the American people. It's also interesting that Goldman has had a huge run up since January while other financials have sunk. Also, if you look at the past two weeks, there is very strange activity on Goldman Sachs and the market in general during the last half hour of trading. A huge buy program comes in and props the Goldman (and the stock market) up. It's also interesting to note that Stephen Friedman, who is the current chairman of the NY Federal Reserve, is also a director at Goldman Sachs. Remember that the previous Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, was also linked to Goldman as former Chairman of the Board and CEO.

Wall Street Journal: New York Fed Chairman's Ties To Goldman Raises Questions

If you've been following my blog, you also know how manipulative JP Morgan is in the derivatives and silver market. However, I've just learned today that JP Morgan's CEO, Jamie Dimon, is also a board member at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. There is a HUGE conflict of interest here.

Wikipedia: Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Why do you think Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan don't need to raise additional capital after the government "stress tests"? The answer is simple: Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan is the Federal Reserve in disguise!!!

Put Options on the S&P 500.

I bought PUT options on the S&P 500 because this rally is ridiculous and way overbought. There is no fundamental or technical reasoning behind the latest market moves. My blog post above explains why the market has been rallying: Manipulation by Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and the Federal Reserve.

Monday, May 4, 2009

My Topsites List